Friday, January 23, 2015


Voluntary Assisted Return Program

 What is VARP?

The Voluntary Assisted Return Programme (VARP) assists asylum seekers and other irregular  migrants, who wish to return from Norway to their home countries  voluntarily. The Programme provides a return option which is organized, safe and dignified.

What services does offer IOM through VARP?
  • Information and counseling regarding return with IOM.
  • Assistance in getting a travel document, if necessary.
  • Planning of return travel. Transportation within Norway, flights to your country of origin and domestic transportation in your country of  origin.
  • Assistance at the airport on departure, in transit and on arrival. Limited follow-up, if requested and possible.
The services are free of charge for all applicants.

How long  will it take?
The time frame for the return depends on various factors such as UDI's approval of your application, obtaining travel documents, availability of commercial flights, and any special needs taken into consideration for your return travel.

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