Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Leave of Absence Procedures          
Current UDI documents: DAM

  • Residents can be away from the camp for up to three days without prior written consent from the camp

  • For residents who have a regular case and have not received a negative, leave of absence for 14 days can be applied for on a designated form, and approved by the camp.
  • The camp requires information about the address where the resident will be visiting, and a phone number by which they can be contacted, and also the date of their return.

  • Residents that have a final negative on their application or that have their application processed according to the Dublin convention have to schedule their leave of absence with the UDI regional office.

  • Leave of absence beyond 14 days may be applied for on a permission form at the UDI regional office. The reason for the leave of absence, information about the address where the resident will be visiting and a phone number by which they can be contacted has to be given. If applicable, approval of leave of absence from Norwegian class and/or school/kindergarden for children will also have to be submitted. The resident also has to ensure that whatever duties he/she has in the house rules will be taken care of during the absence.

  • With regards to summer and Christmas holidays the camp can give up to four weeks of “permisjon”, providing that the duration for the “permisjon” is within the school vacation time for both adults and children. Leave of absence will not be conflicting with the compulsory information programme.

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